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When you fall,
YOU have to pick yourself up.
Do not rely on others to do so!

I cheated on my meal plan last night
with popcorn, goldfish crackers,
& a peanut butter sandwich.
(At least it wasn't the Maverik run 
for 4 candybars!!!)
I woke up tired and late.
I was awnry and wanted to stay in bed
& not workout.
I wanted my husband to get up, take care
of the kids, and do the chores..
because that is what I thought
would make me feel better.
I was depending on him to make me happy.
No! No! No!
Bad Caroline! ;)

I dragged myself out of bed,
fed the baby,
threw on the workout clothes,
& hit the elliptical!
And you know what...I feel so much better!!!

I am glad I am realizing that I have to make me happy.
I cannot depend on ANYONE to do so for me!

Here is to a happy and healthy day!
I hope you all are happy, too!

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