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Did I mention I am a HUGE emotional eater?
Well, I am. BAD.
And today, was an emotional day.
My husband travels a bit for his job..and was expected home tomorrow from a 4 day trip.
(Some may say 4 days is not a lot..but I am a sissy.)'s going to be a 6 day trip.
So...the little emotional eater in my brain says..
"Oh, just drive down to Maverick and get a treat! You deserve it! You work so hard to take care of the kids and upkeep the house..just do it!"
Or, while I am trying to do my grocery shopping today..
"Just grab that bag of candy! It's only ONE bag! It's not like you eat it every day!"
Well, let me tell you something! This little voice is DESTRUCTIVE. Especially if you listen to it!
So, I decided tonight would be Girl's Night with my daughter, so we grabbed the ingredients to make "Skinny Coconut Cupcakes"
& we picked out nail polishes to paint our nails with.
Well, I get home and I had forgotten to grab the coconut milk that goes in the cupcakes. Which means, no cupcakes until at least tomorrow. (We plan to give out all but two to the neighbors for Easter treats.)
Now there is a big bag of Cadbury Eggs on my counter....they are suppose to go on top of the cupcakes in the spirit of Easter...NOT in my belly!
So what I am getting at is...I am emotional. I eat when I get emotional. And there is a bag of candy on my counter SCREAMING my name. 
This really will tell how much I want this. How much I want to just be fit again, to love my body, and to just be comfortable in my own skin! 

Day 2 might be harder than day 1...maybe.
But I will get through.

Other than the horrible lone bag of candy on my counter..
today was good! 
Ate healthy all day and worked out for another 30 minutes!
(Plus all the walking while grocery shopping and constantly running after my daughter!)

How do you deal with your cravings? Are you an emotional eater too?! 
Let me know how you do! :) is a some-what 'Before' picture for you.
It was taken today. 5.5 weeks after baby #2.
I will have better Before pictures up when the husband returns home to take them for me! :)


  1. Hey Caroline! Just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm following. Good luck! And congrats on your new little guy!

    1. Hey, Melanie! Thanks for following! Hope you enjoy! :)
