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Day 1!
Healthy eats? Check!
Workout done? Check!
Still breathing? Check! :)

Day 1 is so hard! The first 30 days are hard! With me, after the 30 days I am golden! So, here is to the next 30 days! May I sweat, cry & SHRINK!!!

Mondays will be known as

For today's measurements we have:
weight: 223.4 lbs.
bust: 41.5 in.
chest: 37.5 in.
waist: 38 in.
hips: 44 in.
thighs: 27 in.
calves: 17.5 in.
upper arms: 15 in.
forearms: 11 in.

When I see my weight I HATE it. I do have to remember although that is my WHOLE body! Not just my fat, but my organs, bones, water retention and so much more as well! So...weight is NOT a proper way to measure your individual success, let alone your body fat. I chose the weight route last time I lost baby weight and MAN! That was a bad idea. I would feel horrible if I didn't lose at least 2 lbs. a week. Sooooo this time around I have chosen the measuring tape! 

My challenge from today: For me to eat healthy all day. 
I am an emotional eater. Once I am stressed, in any way, I want my craving foods, sugar and breads. To battle it I drink more water, do a chore around the house, or play a game with my daughter. Just SOMETHING to get my mind off of it. 15-20 minutes later..I am over it! 
I won't be posting what I eat daily (so tedious), but every Friday I will be posting the 'highlighted' dishes from my week! So, stay tuned for that! 

My workout today was my first of many, so I didn't want to exhaust myself. It was 30 minutes of walking/jogging on the elliptical. Not too much. Most people will go ALL OUT on their workouts and eating for the first week then have NO motivation to keep going. Baby steps! That is what it is all about! Don't burn yourself out! I have done it in the past, and it is not worth it. Pace yourself, people!! :)

I am not well educated in the workout world...heck, the fitness world for that matter. That is one of the reasons I started this blog. To educate myself as well as others! I would like to expand my workouts from just the elliptical to weights and other exercises I can do with just my body! If you have any tips or suggestions for me...let me know! I would much appreciate it! (Recipes too!)

Now, for my challenge not eat after 8 pm. This is hard for me right now since I am nursing our little one and that calls for late night feedings...for him! Not me! I need to get this down. :) I succeeded last night, so here is to tonight! No late night eating for mommy! 

I do hope as I go on  with this blog, I will have it more organized and less of a random rambling for the day! Thank you for your patience. :)


  1. I totally love this! and you are motivating me to get off my butt :) I need to figure out a proper eating schedule because I work graveyard 2 nights a week so not eating after 8pm leaves me STARVING. lol good luck Caroline and thank you for the motivation :)

    1. Stevie, I think in your situation...and remember I am not educated in this at all, it's my guess...that if you keep your eating during your graveyard schedule healthy and no less than 3 hours will be fine! It is all up to how many calories you need in each day. Those days you may just have to do smaller meals, but you will be eating more often. Understand what I am rambling about? :)

  2. definitely makes sense. That is a very good idea! :)
