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I am grateful for the small following 
that I have on here.
It lets me know that I have others 
who find my journey
at least a tad bit interesting. :)

I have come across some great blogs 
while going through this and 
my last baby weight loss journey.
Here are just a few:

Check out her 'MTLC Groceries' link.
AMAZING and to the point!

McKenna Gordon, thee green smoothie queen,
always knows the answer to your questions!
A true health and fitness guru!

Alicia Girardeau, a true Southern Bell!
Amazing blog on her own journey and she 
is always willing to answer your questions.
Love this lady!

These are just my top go to sites.
I will post others along the way.

I hope you are all doing well!
My hubby just got home from another trip
and has informed me that he is going to start working 
out and eating right with me!
I am very grateful for a husband that
can keep my on track and be such a good example!
Remember to surround yourself with people
that push you forward, not hold you back!

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